"'Whatever a man sows, that shall he reap.'.  The law of Karma is inexorable and impossible of evasion. There is thus hardly any need for God to interfere. He laid down the law and, as it were,retired."
M.K. Gandhi , The Story of My Experiments with Truth.

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About Me

                I was born on 29th November, 1975 at Kanpur , India. Named after a Hindu god Ram, by my late maternal grandfather Mr. B.N. Wanchoo, I belong to a Kashmiri family , Razdan. The name Razdan* would literally translate into , a person who keeps secrets, a confidante.

               My father's service in the Indian Air Force , ensured that I was raised within the protective "campus" environment and was constantly on the move every two to three years. I started my schooling in Ambala, went through  middle school in the International School of Paris , passed my secondary at Boy's High School, Allahabad to finally finish at Kendriya Vidyala , Gowrakhpur. After this I completed my Bachelor of Engineering, Computers (1997) at SSVPS College of Engineering, Dhule under the North Maharashtra University at Jalgaon, Maharashtra.

               I started working with BAeHAL Software Ltd, Bangalore and was posted by them in London (UK) on a long term project with British Airways. After well over 3 years with BAeHAL , I have recently (Mar 2001) moved to Oracle Corporation (UK) Ltd and am still based in London at the moment.

              Though I was born in a Hindu family, I am an atheist. Do not take this to mean that I denounce everything religion says or that I have no morals. I denounce the existence of God, as a living force, and certainly have no fear of hell,  judgement day or pains of more birth and death cycles.

              Topics that interest me in terms of conversation, reading or viewing material are Computers (realizing and utilizing their potential) , Religions of the world and Scientic discoveries of all kinds. Genealogy is my current passion and am actively collecting information for a Kashmiri family(s) database which would be available on the net for all.

* There is also a river in Armenia called Razdan.